39 Weeks Pregnant
Are you ready to have your baby? If not, you need to get ready because you could go into labor anytime now that you are in week 39 of pregnancy. A baby born at this point in time would be considered to be full term, and more than likely there would not be any problems. Your baby is pretty big by now and probably weighs somewhere around seven pounds. This means that he is probably quite cramped up inside of you, which means there probably isn’t too much movement going on at this time.
More than likely you are feeling even more uncomfortable in week 39 of pregnancy. Your entire center of gravity is off, so you are probably quite clumsy and feel a bit like you are waddling around. No doubt you are feeling very large as well, which adds to the feelings of discomfort you are having. Getting out of bed or even out of the chair really becomes a production when you are at this stage of pregnancy. Even though you are feeling huge and uncomfortable, remember that the end is near and soon your pregnancy will be all over.
At week 39 of pregnancy there are many different changes you may be noticing around this time. Not only are your breasts getting larger and fuller, but now they are probably beginning to get quite sensitive as well. More than likely any thoughts of sleeping through a night are long gone. You probably notice that you are going to the bathroom more and more because of all the pressure on your bladder and you may also be dealing with leg cramps while you are trying to sleep as well. Some women find that they are more comfortable sleeping in a recliner than they are in bed at this point.
You will continue to notice that your feet and legs are swelling at week 39 of pregnancy. Keeping your feet and legs propped up can help to alleviate this a bit. Even your face and fingers may be a bit swollen as well, and if this problem gets too bad you will want to consult with your doctor. False labor contractions may start around this time as well. False contractions usually will subside if you change your position and you will be able to talk and walk fairly easily while you are having them.
If you are going into real labor, you will find that you cannot talk or walk while you are having these kinds of contractions. They are also a bit different and tend to start at the top of the uterus and work their way out. If you are really in labor, just changing your position will not help and you will notice that the pain and contractions gets worse and worse over time. Your water may also break anytime now too, and you may only notice just a bit of a trickle of water or a large gush. When your water breaks, or even if you just think it has broken, be sure to call your doctor immediately.
40 Weeks Pregnant
Week 40 of pregnancy is the final week to conclude the wait for your baby. It is a very exciting, yet challenging time. There are many changes occurring within your body, many emotions, considerations, cautions, as well as a lot of preparation.
During week 40 of pregnancy, you can expect some monumental changes occurring within the body. One of the main changes is the increased movement of the fetus. The fetus is considered full term and has become quite large at this point during pregnancy. It is moving around more to gain comfort in his or her, now, cramped quarters. As a result of the excess movement and the increased size of the fetus, you may experience additional changes. These changes may include severe pain in the back, pressure in the area of the groin, and an increase desire to urinate.
When you are 40 weeks pregnant, you can expect numerous other issues to occur within your body as well. You may have a difficult time being able to sleep because of the awkwardness of the weight that you are now carrying. Furthermore, the pressure on the bladder, lower abdomen and groin area can make you extremely uncomfortable. Braxton Hicks contractions are often common at this stage in pregnancy as well. These contractions are referred to as “false” labor pains. Despite the fact that these contractions are not the real thing, you should never underestimate their ability to make you feel as if they are.
During week 40 of pregnancy, your body is preparing for the delivery of your baby. You will start to notice a discharge from your nipples. This is the body’s way of preparing to provide nourishment to your newborn. You may also notice an increased amount of cramps throughout the body. The majority of these cramps will occur in the legs. Not only do you have the issue of additional weight, this week of pregnancy can find you experiencing issues with proper circulation. This is one of the main reasons that you will experience leg cramps.
When you are 40 weeks pregnant, there are many things that you should do to prepare for the delivery of your baby. One of the most important things that you can do is to get plenty of exercise. It is beneficial to walk during this time so that when you are delivering, it is easier on you. However, you should carry a cell phone with you or have a partner walk with you as a precautionary measure. In addition to exercising, it is imperative that you drink plenty of water. During week 40 of pregnancy, it is essential to drink at least ten to twelve glasses of water a day. Lastly, it is important that you keep life as stress free as possible and try to rest as much as your body will allow you. You will need this rest for when the time of delivery occurs.
When you are 40 weeks pregnant, there are numerous things that can be purchased in order to ensure this time is as comfortable as possible. One of the purchases that you can make is a body pillow. This is sure to help you gain comfort on those restless nights. In addition to this, it can be used to lounge in other places, such as the sofa, during the day. Many pregnant women select to purchase what is called a “belly belt”. This is said to prevent discomfort by alleviating the symptoms of cramping and swelling that occurs when you are 40 weeks pregnant. Lastly, you may benefit from purchasing a professional massage during week 40 of pregnancy. This will help to soothe the symptoms of some of the pain that you are experiencing, and relax you for the upcoming delivery.
38 Weeks Pregnant
Being 38 weeks pregnant means you are almost at the end of the road, and a woman can actually give birth to a healthy full-term child during her 38th week. During the 30th week, both mother and child are experiencing physical changes, which will prepare the two for the birth that is soon to take place.
All of the child’s major organs are fully developed during week 38 of pregnancy, with the exception of the lungs. A child born at 38 weeks is able to survive, but their lungs will still need to develop further in a healthy, smoke-free environment. Also, tear ducts develop over the first few weeks of the child’s life, so tiny tears won’t be coming from baby’s eyes when she is first born. Baby is about 14 inches long from crown to rump when you are 38 weeks pregnant, and will only grow a little more during the last two weeks. Sex organs are fully developed by this time, and parents may be able to tell the sex of the baby just by how large mom’s belly has gotten. Boy babies tend to be a little larger than girls, and girls also sometimes may rest lower in the belly than a boy.
A woman’s body will start to prepare itself for labor during week 30 of pregnancy, and mom may even notice her breasts are starting to leak colostrum. Colostrum is a yellowish liquid that is essential for baby during the first few weeks, since it contains antibodies and nutrients that will help baby to stay healthy and strong. You may also start to feel false contractions, which is a way her body works to prepare itself for the much stronger contractions that will soon occur. The cervix also becomes thinner and starts to dilate slightly over the few last weeks, in order to prepare for the baby that is soon going to enter the world. From the top of the uterus to the bellybutton should measure about 6.5 to 7 inches, but can be smaller or larger depending on the size of the baby.
A woman who is 38 weeks pregnant should be fully prepared for the arrival of her new child, since realistically she can be born any day. Only about 5% of women actually deliver on their scheduled due date, mostly due to inductions and cesarean section deliveries. A woman in week 38 of pregnancy should already have her bag packed to take with her to the hospital, which should include items to keep both mom and baby comfortable. Comfortable clothing to wear after the delivery should be packed for mom, along with toiletries and other items to make mom feel like she is at home. Outfits, soft blankets, and diapers can also be packed for baby, but most hospitals will provide them to those who need them. Mom should pay a visit to the location she plans to have her child, to become familiar with the location to lessen and possible stress on delivery date.
You should continue to eat healthy during week 38 of pregnancy, and walk in order to make delivery a little bit easier. She should sit back, relax, and wait for her body to tell her when she is ready to have the child. Being 38 weeks pregnant can be very exciting and nerve wrecking, but it is important to stay calm and relaxed in order to keep the child from becoming stressed as well. Use the last two weeks to finish the last minute details on the nursery, make a phone list of people to call after delivery, and relax and let time takes it course.
36 Weeks Pregnant
During week 36 of pregnancy, you will notice that your baby has begun to drop lower. You will have to see your doctor weekly from this point forward and get a check up to see if you are effacing - The process by which the cervix begins to thin to prepare for the baby’s birth. Many women report that after the baby’s head has been lowered, they could breathe easier and their appetite increased. This is normal as the pressure from the baby has changed. Other women experience tingly sensations or numbing in their pelvic region.
You will also notice that the baby feels a lot heavier. This is the time when babies put on a lot of weight and they generally weigh around 6 pounds at this point. Be sure to continue eating well for this is the time your baby grows the most. You should also be prepared for delivery at any time during this period. Make sure your overnight bag is ready, get a nice hair cut to because you might not have time later.
If you don’t have a birthing plan by now, this is a good time to get one written. Be sure that your birthing plan includes all the little details of the type of birth you want, right down to the type of medication, people you want around you during childbirth and the location. If you notice any unusual conditions like flu, fever, headaches, hemorrhoids or pain in your abdomen, call your doctor to get it checked.
Do not over exert yourself by bending down to pick up stuff. Ask your partner to do it instead. You should also avoid moving around too much and if you must, be sure to ask someone to be around to take care of you. Get a couple of extra pillows and place one under your stomach and the other between your legs at the knees, these help take the pressure and weight off your baby and belly.
37 Weeks Pregnant
At week 37 of pregnancy, it is time to get your bags packed and ready to go because labor is just around the corner. If you go into labor at this point, your baby has an excellent chance of survival, weighing in at over 6 pounds now. No doubt you will be ready for this event to happen at any time, and you have probably grown tired of people asking when you are going to deliver. At this point in your pregnancy, the baby’s head will probably actually drop down into the birth canal in preparation for delivery, so take heart, you are very close to meeting that little person you have been waiting for.
During week 37 of pregnancy and beyond, you will probably notice that your breasts are getting larger and fuller. This is in preparation for breast feeding and more than likely your bras are not going to fit you as they should. You will probably want to consider purchasing a maternity bra if you haven’t already and make sure that it fits well. A nursing bra may also be a good investment at this time, especially if you plan on nursing your baby yourself. Be sure to buy the size that fits to keep from wearing a bra that is too small, which may be very uncomfortable.
You are probably noticing that your breasts are leaking even more around week 37 of pregnancy, even though they have been doing this for awhile now. It is important that you take care in washing your nipples during this time, and instead of using soap, you will probably want to switch to only warm water to keep them from getting dry and cracked. If you do have a problem with dryness or irritation, purchase a lotion that has lanolin in it to help.
At week 37 of pregnancy and beyond, your cervix will be beginning to dilate in preparation for delivery. One thing you may begin to notice is some strange discharge during this time. There is a mucus plug that helps to keep your uterus sealed off from infection while you are pregnant, and as your cervix dilates you will begin to discharge some of the mucus plug. You may notice this discharge for a few days or even a few weeks before you actually go into labor. Although it is normal, be sure to discuss any discharge you have with your doctor.
Although you are dealing with many changes and you are probably feeling quite uncomfortable, remember that the end is in sight. In just a few weeks you will be having your baby and no doubt all the discomfort will be worth it when you first hold that little bundle of joy.
35 Weeks Pregnant
By the time you are in week 35 of pregnancy, your baby is weighing in at about 5.5 pounds now. This is probably contributing to the increased discomfort that you are dealing with as well as your sleepless nights. While delivery is just a few short weeks away, it probably feels like it can’t come fast enough at this point in time. Your body has changed a great deal in the past weeks, so it is no wonder that you are feeling totally uncomfortable at this point in time.
Mood swings and irritability are also quite common around week 35 of pregnancy. The changing moods may be difficult for you and your family to deal with, but they should be over soon. More than likely you are beginning to feel quite anxious as well, which is also normal during this time of your pregnancy. The best thing you can do is to make sure that you relax and that you get plenty of rest. Consider doing various activities that aid in relaxation, such as meditation or listening to soothing music.
Although hemorrhoids have probably been plaguing you for awhile, during week 35 of pregnancy, you will probably notice that they are getting even worse. This is due to the increased pressure of the baby on the blood vessels in the area. Your baby’s head is probably pressed against the birth canal now, so there is a lot of pressure in the pelvic area, which makes your hemorrhoids even worse. Since you are also dealing with constipation as well at this point, that will also make your hemorrhoid problem get worse, too. Consider using some gentle topical treatments for hemorrhoids to help with the pain. Also, increase the amount of green, leafy vegetables that you eat as well. If you are considering the use of a laxative, be sure that you discuss it with your doctor before taking one.
While it is true that labor is just around the corner, it is important that you understand some of the myths associated with labor. Some people seem to think that you will go into labor early if there is a full moon or if there is a bad storm. This is just a myth that has been passed around and there is nothing to it. Your body will determine when it is ready to go into labor, and a storm or a full moon is not going to change that, so there is no need for you to worry. If you are a bit nervous about labor, this may be a good time to read some helpful books on labor if you haven’t already so you get a general idea of what to expect.
34 Weeks Pregnant
Believe it or not, the end of your pregnancy is near, and even though it may feel like forever, you actually only have seven more weeks to go. When you are in week 34 of pregnancy, your baby weighs in at about five pounds, which means things are probably feeling pretty snug. More than likely your baby is already getting into the fetal position as well to get ready for delivery in a few weeks.
While your baby is getting ready for delivery, more than likely you are feeling more and more exhausted as time goes along. Fatigue is extremely common around this time of your pregnancy, and aches, pains, weight gain, and even anxiety can be contributing to this feeling. During week 34 of pregnancy and probably throughout the rest of your pregnancy you are going to want to start taking a few more naps. Getting enough rest is important and you definitely do not want to rely on caffeine to stay awake, since too much can actually be harmful to your baby. So, take the extra naps and keep the caffeine to a minimum.
As you go into week 34 of pregnancy, you will probably begin to notice that you are dealing with more swelling as well. While you probably have dealt with some swelling throughout your pregnancy, many women notice that it gets even worse around this time. Be sure that you drink plenty of water during this stage of pregnancy. Also, keeping your feet elevated as much as possible can also help with the fluid retention problem too.
Throughout your pregnancy and especially towards the end of your pregnancy, it is extremely important that you get plenty of calcium. Your baby will be taking calcium from you to help in the development of his bones, so you need to be sure that you have plenty. Eating foods that have a calcium in them is important, and you may even want to purchase a supplement that will provide you with extra calcium as well. If you are not sure about which supplement to take, you may want to consult your obstetrician for advice.
Various aches and pains, such as pelvic pain, back pain, sore ribs, and even Braxton Hicks contractions are quite common during week 34 of pregnancy. Usually, there is not much that you can do to help these aches and pains; however, rest can definitely be helpful. While staying active during pregnancy is a great idea, as you get closer and closer to delivery you may need to cut back a bit on your activity. If your back is one of the worst problems, consider purchasing a special pillow or support belt to help ease the pressure off of your back.
Just a few more weeks to go and all of this will be over, even if it does not feel like it. Be sure to eat right and get plenty of rest during week 34 of pregnancy. You want to keep healthy and ensure that you keep your strength up so you can have a healthy delivery in a few weeks.
25 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you are in week 25 of pregnancy, you will definitely be feeling some huge differences. Your baby now weighs a 1.5 pounds and your belly probably has the appearance of a soccer ball about now too. During this time your body is continuing to change like crazy, and it may even seem like your body is changing hour by hour, which can be a bit frustrating.
One thing that you may begin to experience in week 25 of pregnancy is hemorrhoids. These tend to occur during this time because the blood vessels in the area get dilated. Hemorrhoids can be quite uncomfortable and more than likely along with them you will be dealing with some constipation as well.
There are a variety of other physical changes you will notice during week 25 of pregnancy as well. More than likely you will beginning to experience some heartburn and indigestion. Dizziness will continue to be a part of your life, and you may also notice that you sweat more as well. Many women also find themselves getting quite forgetful during this time and some also experience very vivid dreams as well.
At week 25 of pregnancy, no doubt your baby is moving around all the time. You will probably be feeling movement in your tummy that is quite forceful. The baby will probably be kicking, punching, and twisting all around inside you, which can make for some pretty interesting nights.
During week 25 of pregnancy, you may also begin to notice that as your uterus is continuing to grow, it is now putting a bit of pressure on your back and spine. At times this can cause quite a bit of pain in your back and even shooting pain in your legs. When you start to feel this pain, you need to change your position. At times warm compresses or even ice packs on your back may make it feel better.
This is the time when some women go into pre-term labor. It is important that you are aware of the signs of pre-term labor. A few signs to watch for include cramping, pressure on the pelvis, contractions, and a low, dull backache. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to immediately contact your doctor.
There are a variety of different products that may make your life a bit easier. If you are dealing with hemorrhoids, there are a variety of creams that you can purchase that can help to alleviate your pain. Also, if you are having a hard time with the back pain, there are special back support belts that you can buy especially for pregnant women. While week 25 of pregnancy can bring about a bit of discomfort, with some rest and a few helpful products, it can be a joyful week as well.
33 Weeks Pregnant
Now that you are in week 33 of pregnancy, weight gain is going to be normal for the rest of your pregnancy. You can expect to gain about a pound each week until you have your baby. Many women find that in those last few weeks of pregnancy they actually get too big for the maternity clothes they have been wearing. This is very normal, and you may need to invest in a few clothes that will fit for the next few weeks. However, you will want to be careful what you eat so that you do not gain too much weight during this time.
There are many changes that are happening to your baby during week 33 of pregnancy as well. Since there is less room for your baby now, you will notice that your baby does not move as much as he did before. There is no need to worry about this; however, you will still probably notice some kicking even though the level of movement is not like it was before. Usually, your baby will be in the birth position or will be getting into position as well, which means his head will be pointing down towards the birth canal.
As your stomach is continuing to grow during week 33, don’t be alarmed if your belly button begins to pop out. Some women may experience this earlier in pregnancy; however, most women have this happen between week 33 and the birth of the baby. This is totally natural, and more than likely, it will return to normal after you have your baby.
Most women are beginning to feel more tired. This is totally normal as well and you should be sure to get plenty of rest. If the tiredness gets to be overwhelming, you may want to talk to your doctor. In some cases being overly tired can point to an iron deficiency and you may need to be taking an iron supplement. However, just being tired and needing some extra rest is nothing to be worried about unless it is extreme.
Since labor is just on the horizon, there are a few things you may want to do during the 33rd week. For one, you may want to go and tour the labor and delivery area of the hospital you plan on going to. This will give you an idea of where to go and get you familiar with the layout and area before you have your baby. You may also want to consider what type of pain relief options you are going to want during your labor and delivery as well. There are three options available, including special breathing learned in Lamaze class, pain medications, or an epidural. It is usually helpful to make this decision before you actually go into labor.
32 Weeks Pregnant
Week 32 of pregnancy can be a unique time for some mothers, this is when you begin to plan on taking maternity leave, looking for clothes for your baby, and yes, more maternity clothing for you. This is a time for changes and you might even find yourself planning on the big day. If you are having a Cesarean section, you and your doctor may begin preparations for it by scheduling tests and even planning the actual day.
Every woman’s body changes during the 32nd week of pregnancy. As the uterus grows, you will find yourself experiencing heartburn and constipation. You need to increase the amount of water you drink and increase the amount of fiber to avoid getting constipation. Your doctor or midwife can also recommend stool softeners for you to try. Use these under their supervision only. For the heartburn problem, you need to cut down on the amount of food you eat and the types of food. Start spacing your meals out and eat twice as often with the same amounts. Avoid anything seriously spicy or greasy as they tend to facilitate the occurrences of heartburn.
You might feel more out of breath and retain more fluids. Varicose veins are also known to develop during this time as well. If any of these symptoms begin to occur, let your doctor know. You will also start to gain more weight, around one pound each week. Your doctor will instruct you on whether you need to gain more or less to maintain a healthy weight. If you are worried that you might bother your partner due to the fact you cannot sleep, talk to him and take steps to ensure you are both happy.
During week 32, you should not be over exerting yourself and overly worrying about things that are out of your control. What you should be doing is planning ahead for the big day, by getting plenty of rest, planning your baby’s room and letting others do the hard work. If you are having early contractions, try changing your posture and drink more water. This will cause you to go to the bathroom more but it will help alleviate the pain.
31 Weeks Pregnant
At week 31 of pregnancy, more than likely most of your former gracefulness is gone. This stage of pregnancy may make you quite a bit more clumsy than usual; however, it is quickly coming to an end, since you only have 10 more weeks to go. No need to worry because your gracefulness and center of balance will return after you deliver.
During week 31 of pregnancy, many women begin to notice more and more backaches. While your back has probably bothered you numerous times during pregnancy, you will probably notice it even more now. Your body is beginning to prepare itself for labor, so the muscles and ligaments in your back are beginning to loosen up in anticipation. This can cause some nasty backaches, especially since you are carrying most of the baby’s weight in the front of your body.
If your backaches get too bad, you will probably want to see your doctor; however, there are various products that you can purchase to help with this problem. There are special pregnancy girdles or belts that you can purchase to wear. These help to take the pressure off of your back so you have less of a problem with backaches.
About week 31 of pregnancy, many women start to have what is called Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are basically practice contractions that occur in the weeks before labor. There is nothing wrong with you if you are feeling these contractions from time to time. Your body is merely getting prepared for labor in the future. However, if you have contractions that occur more than four times in an hour of you have unusual discharge with them, you will want to let your doctor know immediately, since this could be a sign of real labor.
Many women also begin to develop varicose veins around week 31 of pregnancy. If you develop them on your legs, wearing special support hose or support stockings may be a way to help with the problem. Some women get these veins in places other than their legs as well. While you may not be thrilled with them, the good news is that they will usually disappear within a few weeks after you have your baby.
Feeling breathless is also very common during week 31 of pregnancy. Many times the uterus begins to push up against the lungs as the baby grows, causing the feelings of breathlessness. If this problem becomes very bothersome you will want to speak with your doctor. In some cases this may be a sign that you are dealing with anemia as well. When you are experiencing breathlessness, you may want to make sure that you get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities as well.
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