

35 Weeks Pregnant

By the time you are in week 35 of pregnancy, your baby is weighing in at about 5.5 pounds now. This is probably contributing to the increased discomfort that you are dealing with as well as your sleepless nights. While delivery is just a few short weeks away, it probably feels like it can’t come fast enough at this point in time. Your body has changed a great deal in the past weeks, so it is no wonder that you are feeling totally uncomfortable at this point in time.
Mood swings and irritability are also quite common around week 35 of pregnancy. The changing moods may be difficult for you and your family to deal with, but they should be over soon. More than likely you are beginning to feel quite anxious as well, which is also normal during this time of your pregnancy. The best thing you can do is to make sure that you relax and that you get plenty of rest. Consider doing various activities that aid in relaxation, such as meditation or listening to soothing music.
Although hemorrhoids have probably been plaguing you for awhile, during week 35 of pregnancy, you will probably notice that they are getting even worse. This is due to the increased pressure of the baby on the blood vessels in the area. Your baby’s head is probably pressed against the birth canal now, so there is a lot of pressure in the pelvic area, which makes your hemorrhoids even worse. Since you are also dealing with constipation as well at this point, that will also make your hemorrhoid problem get worse, too. Consider using some gentle topical treatments for hemorrhoids to help with the pain. Also, increase the amount of green, leafy vegetables that you eat as well. If you are considering the use of a laxative, be sure that you discuss it with your doctor before taking one.
While it is true that labor is just around the corner, it is important that you understand some of the myths associated with labor. Some people seem to think that you will go into labor early if there is a full moon or if there is a bad storm. This is just a myth that has been passed around and there is nothing to it. Your body will determine when it is ready to go into labor, and a storm or a full moon is not going to change that, so there is no need for you to worry. If you are a bit nervous about labor, this may be a good time to read some helpful books on labor if you haven’t already so you get a general idea of what to expect.

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