

27 Weeks Pregnant

At week 27 of pregnancy, the uterus is beginning to expand and move up more and more. Now it is probably getting closer to your rib cage, which can make it feel a bit more difficult to breath, since it is now harder for your lungs to expand. While it may feel like you are out of breath some of the time, there is no need to worry. All those pregnancy hormones that are running wild are improving your circulatory system so your baby is getting all the oxygen needed. However, from this time on, in order to relieve the feelings of breathlessness, you need to get rid of stress, take it easy, and start decreasing your daily activity a bit.

If you haven’t already noticed them by this point, more than likely you are going to start seeing some stretch marks during week 27 of pregnancy. In fact, by now you have probably gained close to 20 pounds, or maybe even a bit more. As you continue to get larger, you are going to need to be careful as your balance may be a bit off due to the changes in your center of gravity.

When you do start to notice those stretch marks, you may want to invest in some stretch mark creams. There are a variety of great stretch mark creams out there that can help sooth the stretch marks and make them less noticeable. You may also want to take some forms of prenatal vitamins along the way that will help increase the elasticity of your skin, which will help to keep stretch marks at a minimum.

While earlier in your pregnancy you may have dealt with morning sickness, by week 27 of pregnancy you will probably notice that the sickness has left and now you are experiencing cravings all the time. This third trimester of your pregnancy is going to be the big time for extreme cravings, and though healthy snacks are best, your cravings may be telling you just the opposite.

Usually, around this time is a great time to start thinking about child birth classes, such as a Lamaze class. You will probably be able to find a class at your local hospital or at a community center in your area. These classes will help to start getting you prepared for labor and childbirth. During these classes you will learn things like infant CPR, your pain relief options, breathing techniques, and also about some common problems that occur with newborns. Taking these classes is especially important if you are going to be a mother for the very first time.


26 Weeks Pregnant

Once you have hit the week 26 of pregnancy, your baby has actually begun to look like a baby! By now, he or she should be about 12 to 14 inches long. If he is growing healthy, his or her eyes open and close normally. By this point, your baby has begun to practice taking in breaths and letting them go, and while this is not useful now, as there is no oxygen in the womb, it will prove very useful down the line.

Also, it is important to understand the comprehension level of your baby at this point. By now, they are hearing better than they could before, so you might feel more movement and kicking in the womb than usual. This is because they are responding to your movements, your voice and the other voices and noises in your environment, therefore you might want to be careful about what you are around.

At this point, your baby is learning and developing for the first real time in the womb. This is where it becomes critical for you to put the right things into your body so that you have what it takes to give your baby all of the vital vitamins and nutrients they need. Bright and colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and fibers, provide vital nutrition for a growing baby and mother, so it is important to incorporate them into your diet as much as you can.

At this point, you should probably start worrying about getting the things together that your baby will need once he or she arrives. A bassinet, some nice warm clothes, and other baby supplies are going to be necessary, so you might want to start getting these together before your pregnancy goes any further and you become too uncomfortable to do the shopping. Baby showers happen around this point, and that is a great way to get nearly everything you need for your little one’s arrival.

26 Weeks Pregnant

Once you have hit the week 26 of pregnancy, your baby has actually begun to look like a baby! By now, he or she should be about 12 to 14 inches long. If he is growing healthy, his or her eyes open and close normally. By this point, your baby has begun to practice taking in breaths and letting them go, and while this is not useful now, as there is no oxygen in the womb, it will prove very useful down the line.

Also, it is important to understand the comprehension level of your baby at this point. By now, they are hearing better than they could before, so you might feel more movement and kicking in the womb than usual. This is because they are responding to your movements, your voice and the other voices and noises in your environment, therefore you might want to be careful about what you are around.

At this point, your baby is learning and developing for the first real time in the womb. This is where it becomes critical for you to put the right things into your body so that you have what it takes to give your baby all of the vital vitamins and nutrients they need. Bright and colorful fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and fibers, provide vital nutrition for a growing baby and mother, so it is important to incorporate them into your diet as much as you can.

At this point, you should probably start worrying about getting the things together that your baby will need once he or she arrives. A bassinet, some nice warm clothes, and other baby supplies are going to be necessary, so you might want to start getting these together before your pregnancy goes any further and you become too uncomfortable to do the shopping. Baby showers happen around this point, and that is a great way to get nearly everything you need for your little one’s arrival.