

30 Weeks Pregnant

By this time, no doubt you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your baby. But you still have 11 more weeks to wait. More than likely, week 30 of pregnancy finds you feeling quite uncomfortable and definitely ready for it all to be over. Your baby is growing steadily bigger at this point in time and gaining about half a pound each week, which means you are growing bigger as well. No doubt more and more stretch marks are beginning to appear on your tummy, and if you haven’t started using any stretch marks creams, you may want to start using it now. Not only will stretch marks appear on your tummy, but they may also show up on your hips, thighs, and your breasts as well.

While constipation can be a problem throughout pregnancy, it can become even worse when you are at week 30 of pregnancy. The hormones that are produced during pregnancy seem to hamper the digestive process, which leads to constipation. However, at this stage of your pregnancy your uterus is pressing on your intestines, which also causes constipation as well. Be sure that you are eating plenty of foods that are high in fiber to help deal with this problem, and in some cases, if it becomes too problematic, you may need to speak to your doctor about using a stool softener to help.

Another thing that many women begin to notice around week 30 of pregnancy is a dark line that runs vertically down the stomach. This line is actually called linea nigra, and it is a very common thing that happens about this stage of pregnancy, so there is no need to get worried. It will probably last for the rest of the pregnancy; however, once you have your baby it will disappear.

Sleeping can get a bit difficult during week 30 of pregnancy and beyond. Your stomach is now so much bigger than it used to be, so you need to take care in how you are sleeping. Usually, most doctors will recommend that you sleep on your left side. This is recommended since the vena cava and aorta on to the right of the center of your back. When you sleep on your left side you make sure that they are opened up so that they can function properly and supply the entire body with the blood that is needed while you are sleeping. This will enable blood to flow properly to the organs and the extremities as well. If comfort is an issue while you are sleeping, you may want to invest in a nice body pillow or a maternity pillow to help you sleep more comfortably.


29 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you’ve reached week 29 of pregnancy, you have 12 weeks left to go and counting. By this time your baby is weighing in at close to three pounds, and no doubt you are feeling the difference. Your baby is also getting more active by now, and no doubt you are experiencing quite a bit of movement during the day. The movement of your baby is actually quite important, and while it may get a bit uncomfortable at times, if you stop feeling it there may be a problem. At this stage of pregnancy you should usually feel your baby moving about 10 times each hour, and if you do not, you may want to see your doctor.

Since your baby is growing larger, a very common problem you may experience at week 29 of pregnancy is heartburn. The baby can push up on your stomach causing this problem, so you may need to use some antacids if you need them. Many expectant mothers often find that just eating smaller meals can help the problem as well.

During week 29 of pregnancy the body is beginning to produce more and more prolactin, which begins the production of colostrum. Many women begin noticing that they have problems with their breasts leaking out the colostrum during this time. This can cause some staining on your clothing, so you may want to purchasing some nursing pads to wear to prevent staining and embarrassing spots on your clothes.

Some expectant mothers also have a problem with iron deficiency during pregnancy, especially around week 29 of pregnancy and beyond. Many women have this problem during pregnancy, so an iron supplement may be needed to help increase the amount or iron in the body. The reason that having enough iron is important is because it will help to replenish the supply of red blood cells, help deal with the increased blood volume demand, and also will provide your baby with the iron that is needed. A simple iron test can be done by your doctor, and if your iron is a bit too low then more than likely an iron supplement will be prescribed.

Pelvic pain is also a very common problem that occurs around week 29 of pregnancy and beyond as well. As your uterus continues to grow, the bones in your pelvis tend to shift around causing a bit of pain. Common movements like walking, getting out of bed, and exercise can cause this pain in your pelvis, groin, and upper thighs. Usually it is best to stop the activity and change your position in order alleviate the pain.

While your body is definitely going through a great deal of change at this stage of your pregnancy, the great thing is that you are close to delivery. Just taking care to eat right, get rest, and follow your doctors orders can help to keep both you and your baby healthy during week 29 of pregnancy.

20 Weeks Pregnant

You are halfway to bringing your beautiful baby in to this world. By the time you get to week 20 of your pregnancy, your baby is moving around quite a bit and your little bundle of joy is now getting some hair on his or her head as well as some eyebrows. You still may see some changes going on with your skin but rest assured this is all normal and right on schedule. You may also see that you now have somewhat of a vaginal discharge, which is also normal. When you finish this week out you will officially be halfway through the entire experience.

Your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds and at this point in time he or she weights around 9 pounds and is approximately 5½ to 6½ inches in length. It is truly amazing, all the things your little one can do and he or she doesn’t even weight a full pound yet. Your precious cargo can hear sounds and if the noise is too loud that he or she hears, then it will cover its ears with its hands. You little one is also stretching out and moving around, stretching and kicking, twisting and turning. To you, those movements may feel like butterflies or a hungry stomach.

Your baby now has a protective coating on his or her skin that protects it from the amniotic fluid. The eyebrows are still coming in and if you are having a girl then the uterus is actually starting to form. Your baby’s skin is also starting to thicken, getting all the necessary layers that it needs and the finger and toenails are starting to form.

You will notice some changes that will be a bit different then the previous weeks of your pregnancy. For instance you may have a dark line forming that goes from your belly button down to your pubic area. You may also notice that you are perspiring more than you are used to and this is caused from your thyroid gland being more active. As the baby grows there will be more pressure on your bladder so you will need to urinate more frequently then usual.

Be sure to keep your posture upright to avoid back aches and make sure you use a foot stool when sitting as this will help to keep swelling down in your ankles. Be sure to sleep with a pillow between your legs at your waist as this till help to alleviate pressure.

This is also a good time to sign up or look into child birthing classes to help you when the time comes to bring the baby into the world. This can also be an exciting time as it may be possible to find out the baby’s sex during an ultrasound.


19 Weeks Pregnant

This is week 19 of your pregnancy and you are probably wondering what to expect this week. Every week through your entire pregnancy, your body goes through many changes as your child grows inside of you. As this week comes, you may start to feel what is called quickening, which is actually the baby moving. You will most likely have another check up or prenatal visit, where your doctor will want to check such things as your weight, uterus, blood pressure and also your urine. He or she will be looking to see if there is protein in your urine and to make sure that you are not showing signs of pre-eclamsia as well as the amount of sugar for other problems.

This is your half way mark and you may notice some changes in your body that may include stretch marks as well as itchy skin. You may also notice that you are starting to have back aches. This is due to the extra weight that your baby is adding to your body, but rest assured, it is only temporary. Your baby is around 5 to 6 inches in length and will most likely weigh about 7 ounces. Your precious baby can now do a few things on his or her own such as thumb sucking and he or she can also display involuntary muscle movements.

At your prenatal checkup you will get to hear your little ones heart beat. Some people say it sounds like a train as it beats so fast. That “pitter patter” sound is like music to a mother’s ears. This helps keep the magic alive and makes that baby seem more real to a mother. Be sure to have your doctor check you for anemia while at your checkup, especially if you seem more tired than usual, are experiencing fainting spells, find your heartbeat seems to be pounding or your skin appears pale.  If you suffer from iron deficiency anemia, you can treat that with some simple diet changes. You can cook your foods with iron cookware as well incorporate more green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, legumes and dried fruit

Here are a few tips that you can follow to help you deal with the changes you’re going through in this 19th week of your pregnancy. For the itchy skin and stretch marks, you can try one of the many lotions or creams that are out on the market today. If you are suffering from leg cramps, you can try eating a banana to help increase your potassium level. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open with your spouse to ensure that you are getting the support that you need as you can be having problems with your hormones and mood swings.


18 Weeks Pregnant

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, you may have already experienced some of the symptoms of pregnancy and the effects of the hormones changing in your body at this stage. While you are healthy, you still may experience some things that just can’t seem to be explained.

At this point in your pregnancy, there are so many changes going on inside of you, and you may notice it on the outside. Others will too. They will see that you are expecting. There are also changes that no one can see going on inside of you. You might experience having low blood pressure because your cardiovascular system is becoming affected by the pregnancy. When you sit or stand up make sure you do so slowly. This is important, and can help you decrease how dizzy you will feel.

Just like stated above, do not sit up or stand up too quickly. You might not feel as if you have to take it easy so to speak, but your body could be going through some blood pressure level changes. Your blood pressure is likely to be low right now. To avoid feeling dizzy and possibly passing out you need to take care in how you sit up or stand up. Do so slowly and you should not feel too dizzy.

This is the time you will begin to feel the strain on your body of carrying and growing a baby inside of you. You will probably feel fatigued and want to take a nap during the day. Make sure you eat healthy and well. If you feel like you need to lie down for a while, go ahead. You deserve a break.

During this part of your pregnancy you will begin to feel your body in a sense giving all it has to your baby, leaving you with little to run off of. Get some supplies to help you relax, such as some bathing soaps, candles, a new pillow for your legs, and other bath supplies. Taking a bath can help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated. This is also a great time to buy some bath supplies (especially a bath pillow, if you do not already have one), because relaxing in some warm water can help your body relax in the tub for a while and get a break from the strain of carrying a baby.


17 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you are in week 17 of pregnancy, you are getting close to halfway through the pregnancy. There are quite a few changes that are occurring in both you and your baby during this week, and it is important that you know what to expect. You also need to know what you should be doing at this time for a healthy pregnancy.

During week 17 of pregnancy, the uterus is going to begin to move upwards toward your belly button. Since it is getting bigger, you will be beginning to show and you may even feel a bit off balance because of the shift in your center of gravity too. At this point in time, you probably will have gained somewhere between 5-10 pounds, and now maternity clothes are going to be a must. While wearing larger clothes may work, you will probably want to go shopping for some maternity clothes that fit right and that will make you look and feel your best.

In week 17 of pregnancy, many women are beginning to feel like they have more energy. This is caused by the placenta beginning to produce it’s own hormones. While you may have been overly tired for the past few weeks, you will be glad to feel your energy coming back. Although you will be feeling energetic, often during week 17 of pregnancy women begin to notice that they get dizzy when they stand or sit up. You will need to be careful of this, but simply sitting down or laying down for a minute can help. Also, be sure to be careful to get up slowly as well.

While your tummy is probably the most noticeable thing growing, during week 17 of pregnancy your breasts are probably beginning to get larger as well. You may want to invest in a special maternity bra for pregnant women. Also, there are special sleeping bras available that will provide you with comfort while you are sleeping as well.

Once you get to week 17 of pregnancy and beyond, it is going to be especially important that you reduce the amount of stress in your life. You need to avoid stressful situations totally, and work to make sure that you eliminate any stress from your life. While you will never be able to get rid of all the stress you have, do your best to keep things as stress free as possible. Keeping your stress levels down will help you have a more healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby as well.


16 Weeks Pregnant

Having a baby can be both exciting and fun; however, it can have its moments when you are dealing with morning sickness or just feeling fat. Thankfully, by the time you are getting to your 16th week of pregnancy, most women will find that morning sickness is well behind them, although the cravings may still be haunting them, especially in the night hours.

During week 16 of pregnancy, you can expect quite a few changes, both for you, and for your baby as well. At this point in time, your baby will be a bit longer than four inches, and will probably weigh in at around 3 ounces or so. This is the week where your baby will begin to start growing hair, and when the ears and the eyes will be moving into their permanent position.

Not only is the baby changing, but you are going to be seeing some changes in your own body too during the 16th week of pregnancy. Of course your waistline will have been long gone, but your stomach is going to continue to get rounder during this week. However, at this point in time, many women are loving they way they look while they are pregnant. While the first couple of months may have had you despairing about your increasing waistline, more than likely you will be enjoying it now.

One of the biggest things that you will probably begin to notice around the 16th week of pregnancy is that you can actually feel your baby moving around. Although some women may feel this movement earlier or a bit later, usually it is around this time that the first movements are able to be felt by you. When you start feeling that fluttering in your stomach that seems a bit like gas, chances are that you are feeling your baby move for the very first time.

A few other things that you will probably experience around your 16th week of pregnancy include swollen feet, a bit of abdominal pain, gums that bleed, and even a stuffy nose. These are all normal things that occur, so there is no need to worry. More than likely the swollen feet are around to stay; however, the rest of problems should only be short term issues.

Since your stomach is probably starting to look like a map of the moon, a great product to invest in around this time of pregnancy is some stretch mark cream. There are special stretch mark creams especially developed for pregnant women, or other products, like cocoa butter may be a help as well. They help to provide moisture and elasticity to your skin that will keep stretch marks to a minimum.

Investing in some larger shoes that are comfortable or sandals may be a good idea as well. This way you do not have to stuff your swollen feet into tight shoes, and you will be able to enjoy walking with a bit of comfort.


15 Weeks Pregnant

During week 15 of pregnancy, your baby is around 4 to 5 inches from crown to rump and weighs around 1½ ounces. Your baby’s bones are hardening and retain calcium rapidly. Your baby is developing fine hair all over it’s body. His or her hands are perfectly formed and are about the size of the tip of your pinky finger! Your baby is busy practicing breathing, sucking his or her thumb and acrobatics! He or she is able to move all around, kick, lunge and grab out with his or her hands. You might not feel this movement yet because your baby is still very small.

By now, most expectant mothers would be wearing maternity clothes. Your growing belly can come along with some frustrating symptoms. You may experience heartburn starting in week 15 of pregnancy, which may worsen at night. One good tip is to lie with your head slightly elevated. This can reduce the uncomfortable feelings of heartburn.

As your body grows, it can be difficult to get comfortable. You’re not used to sleeping around this growing belly and for some women, this can be very frustrating. You shouldn’t be sleeping on your stomach in week 15 of pregnancy. If you haven’t purchased a pregnancy pillow yet, now is a great time to do it. This will make it easier for you to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Try sleeping on your side, with your top leg over the pregnancy pillow. Placing some extra pillows behind your back will help too.

You might notice that your belly is extremely itchy! This is because it is stretching to accommodate your baby’s growing body. Remember to apply anti stretch mark creams to prevent stretch marks. This is an important time in your pregnancy and you may find that you need to ask for help more now than you did before. You shouldn’t be lifting anything over 20 pounds now, or lifting things over your head. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help from your family. Keeping you healthy and happy should be your first priority.


14 Weeks Pregnant

In week 14 of pregnancy, your baby is about 4 inches long from crown to rump, and weighs about an ounce or a little over. Your baby is growing hair on his or her head and in the eyebrow area, and has very soft little fingernails and toenails. Your baby is beginning to uncurl from the fetal position, and can move much more freely now. Your baby may even be sucking his or her thumb. In week 14 of pregnancy, your doctor should be able to tell if your baby is a boy or girl. This is a very exciting time in your pregnancy, and you will notice some changes in yourself as well.

You will notice that your belly is becoming bigger and bigger. Don’t frown… Pregnant bellies are adorable! You will probably need to get some maternity clothes. You may have been wearing baggy clothes for the past couple of weeks, but with maternity clothing, you can dress really nicely and still be comfortable. There are all kinds of cute maternity outfits available.

You may also notice a darkening line that runs from your navel to your pelvic area. This is normal, and it’s called linea negra. You will probably notice that your areolas are much darker now and your breasts may be sore and tender. This is perfectly normal, and a good supporting bra should relieve these symptoms. In week 14 of pregnancy, constipation is a common thing. Your hormones have slowed the function of your bowel muscles, and this can sometimes lead to constipation.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby is actually getting some of the  food that you eat. It’s important to eat nutritious and healthy food. It is not only good for your baby, but it will provide you with essential nutrients and vitamins that you need to keep your energy up and stay healthy. Try whole foods, like fruits, veggies and whole grains. These are great foods for pregnant women as well as everyone else. The great fiber in whole grains should help with your constipation as well. Drink plenty of water; you should be getting at least 8 glasses a day.

If you haven’t started already, you should begin rubbing on an anti stretch mark cream or lotion onto your belly and breasts. This will reduce the chance of stretch marks occurring and keep your belly from itching so much as it stretches. It’s a good idea to apply it even if you don’t see any stretch marks yet as it can help to prevent them altogether.


13 Weeks Pregnant

In week 13 of pregnancy, your baby is about three inches long from crown to rump and weighs about an ounce. Your baby already has his or her own unique fingerprints. His or her tiny pancreas is starting to produce insulin, which will be important for continued growing later in life. It’s an amazing feeling to know that your fetus already looks like a tiny baby, with an enlarged head. Don’t worry, the body will catch up soon! There are some amazing and sometimes frustrating changes happening to you in week 13 of pregnancy as well.

As your uterus continues to expand with your growing baby, you may feel some pain in your abdomen. This is normal as long as there are no very sharp and intense pains or bleeding. You are finally getting over the nausea, frequent urination and exhaustion that your first trimester brought you. Thank Goodness, right? You will begin to feel full of energy and more like yourself.

In week 13 of pregnancy, you are probably starting to fill out your clothing a little too much. You should purchase some comfortable and loose fitting clothing. Don’t worry, you can save your “little people” clothes for after Baby is here. You may not need maternity clothing just yet, but clothing a few sizes bigger than your regular clothes are a good idea. This will allow you to be comfortable and not constricted.

Around this time, your stomach is beginning to stretch to accommodate your growing baby, and now is when you should start to be concerned with stretch marks. By beginning to apply some type of special lotion or cream now, you can avoid those stretch marks later. Lotions or creams designed especially for pregnant women help your skin to stretch without damage. It will also help with the elasticity of your skin, and prevent “itchy” belly and scars.

You may find that you are still experiencing soreness in your breasts as they expand and grow. In week 13 of pregnancy, you are already starting to make Colostrum. This is the highly nutritional “milk” that your baby will be getting for the first few days if you will be breastfeeding. Soreness in your breasts and darkening of the areolas are natural and expected.


28 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby looks very much like he would when he’s born, as he’s opening his eyes and growing some eyelashes. His previously smooth brain is also starting to develop into the more textured and complex brain we’re all born with.

Expect to gain weight a lot of weight from week 28 of pregnancy. Even if you have successfully maintained your slim appearance throughout your pregnancy, your body will add on the pounds to encourage weight gain in your baby as well. He’s still quite skinny at this point, having only as much as 3 percent body fat. So go put on some pounds!

Without the weight gain, you’ll probably feel huge anyway, what with your uterus moving up above your navel by a good three inches. Also, this is usually when your ankles and feet will be a bit more swollen than usual. Your breasts are also starting to get ready for lactation and will undergo changes. Some expecting mothers will experience heartburn, leg cramps, constipation and fatigue.

Swimming is considered the best exercise for pregnant women, although by the 28th week, just wading around inside the pool will already constitute as exercise. This helps to relieve your swelling joints, so go for a regular dip. You can also take warm baths, which will be good for Braxton Hicks contractions as well. Just don’t overdo it: running too hot a bath or staying in for longer than 30 minutes.

Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, happens at varying degrees throughout your pregnancy, are quite painful, more regular and last longer. At 28 weeks, you may be inclined to start expecting contractions, so it’s good to know the difference between them. Braxton Hicks contractions are more uncomfortable than painful, and recede soon enough. To make them go away, do an activity opposite from when the contractions began, such as walking around if you were sitting down.

By now, you should know if your blood tests taken early in your pregnancy will show if you or your baby has the Rh factor in your blood cells, which may cause a condition known as hemolytic disease, which hinders the immune system of your baby. If you turn up Rh negative, you should receive a vaccine called RhoD Immune Globulin or RhoGAM on your 28th week of pregnancy, and again when you give birth. By the 28th week, you will see your doctor more frequently, as she will schedule your appointments every two weeks instead of monthly.

Baby showers are usually thrown in your honor at this time, so you could put off buying baby supplies and other necessities until after then. Bear in mind, though, that you can never have enough diapers and other useful items such as wipes and sterilized bottles, especially when you’re sleeping only when your baby sleeps and will be too tired to keep going to the grocery for new supplies.

12 Weeks Pregnant

The 12th week of pregnancy is an amazing time and is on the cusp of the second trimester. Every woman is different in the way she experiences pregnancy and some may have felt signs for weeks, where others will only start to notice around the twelve week mark. A baby has been growing inside of them at a rapid rate, so rarely do women fly through without any symptoms.

By week 12 of pregnancy, the fetus is approximately a half ounce in weight and 2.5 inches long. A lot is happening inside the small baby-to-be, including hormone production in the brain and urine production in the kidneys. Pressing on areas around the uterus can cause the baby to move, but women won’t be able to feel the movements yet because it’s still too small.

The 12th week of pregnancy is the time when pretty much all pregnant ladies notice their uterus “pop” out in front of them. This “pot belly” is usually in the lower abdomen area, rather than up higher near the stomach. The skin will often change in appearance and other side effects such as heartburn, lower back pain, headaches and lethargy are prominent around this time.

For women who have trouble sleeping because of restless legs or lower back problems, there are special pregnancy pillows that are a fantastic resolution. As the body works hard to grow and change in the uterus area, it can offer a lot of relief to sleep with the legs apart, resting the whole body along the pillow.

When the 12th week of pregnancy is reached, many women experience a sense of relief. The majority of miscarriages occur at some stage in the first trimester so a feeling of being home-free is not uncommon. Of course there are rare cases where complications can arise, but from twelve weeks on it’s usually a smooth ride to the finish line.

Twins will usually be identified in the eleven week ultra sound, or any number of multiples. Whether they are having one or more babies, if it hasn’t struck her yet, it is around this time that all women will start to really plan and get organized for the changes that are coming their way. They will start to plan for any big adjustments that need to be made, organize maternity leave and have birth plans and birthing classes in place.

Since spending a lot of time on their feet can be difficult for a tired, busy pregnant woman, there are many options available for shopping online. From items for the baby to anything an expecting mother needs to make pregnancy more comfortable, the items required can be bought over the internet. This means no waiting in lines, being stuck in crowds or finding the things they need are out of stock. The goal when pregnant is to stay as relaxed and calm as possible, so buying over the web is often the simplest and best option.

There is still so many more amazing and wonderful experiences to come, such as feeling the baby move for the first time or even finding out the sex. The most important thing of all for any woman is to ensure she does everything in an educated way that she is completely comfortable with, as well as surrounding herself with support from friends, family and professionals that reassure her everything is safe and under control. A sense of security for the mother will provide a relaxed and comforting environment for the baby to develop in.


Themes for Baby shower: Make the Party Just Fabulous

If you choose some themes for baby shower, it is always good and in fact, they also make the celebration easier to organize. When you have decided on a theme, it simply means that you very well know the things that you need to do to organize the perfect baby shower event. For example, you can easily work out how to decorate the premises and what to serve for food and drinks. What is more, you also have a starting point for designing your invitations.

Designing The Invitations

If you have chosen themes for baby shower, it is always good to design the invitations based on the chosen baby shower theme. It does not only make the invitation look stylish but it is also a direct indication to the potential guest what the party theme will be.

Decorating The Premises

Themes for baby shower is important because once you have decided on a perfect theme for the joyous event, it becomes very easy for you to decorate the premises based on your chosen baby shower theme. However, you should also keep in mind that there is no point in having a themed party if the room your having it in has no connection whatsoever to the chosen theme.

Serving Food And Drinks

Themes for baby shower also make it much easier for you to serve food and drinks because once you know the theme of the party you get to know what you should serve food and drinks based on the baby shower theme. It is always fun preparing these food and drinks. What is more, they make for a good talking point too.

Some Recommended Themes

Though the themes for baby shower mainly depend upon your creativity and the choice of the mom-to-be, but there are some common themes that have been tried and tested and have been very helpful in adding fun and entertainment to the event and making the pregnancy celebration fabulous and memorable forever. Some of such themes for baby shower include A Tea Party, Celebrity, Teddy Bears, Stars, Books, Noah's Ark, Prince/Princess, Fairy, Fairytale Themes, Baby bottles theme, Teddy bear theme, Diaper theme, Nursery rhyme theme, Themes for twins, and Color themes.

Overall, having baby shower themes is very important. It can add a little more coordination in the things you need to prepare. If you choose a theme for the baby shower, it can also dictate which kind of food you need to prepare, the look of the invitations and how you would decorate your chosen venue. Thus, if you are looking for a wonderful baby shower, do choose perfect themes for baby shower. 

11 Weeks Pregnant

At week 11 of pregnancy, the most vital developmental advances in your baby’s growth are completed. At this time, your baby goes from the medical term of embryo to fetus. This is often when mothers get to hear their baby’s heartbeat for the first time. This is also a time when your baby grows quite rapidly. By the end of the 11th week, your baby will be about 2 inches long. The blood vessels in the placenta increase in size and in number to accommodate this growth. This allows more nutrients to get to your baby. Just think, at the middle of week 11 you only have about 200 days left until you get to hold your little one for the first time!

Your baby’s development is moving right along. At this stage of the game, your baby has some interesting developments occurring. The eyelids have fused and they will remain fused until the 24th week. The external genitals move to the outside of the body but you really can’t tell for sure yet on a sonogram whether you are having a boy or a girl. The hair follicles are forming on the skin and the teeth are beginning to form. Week 11 is also that time that your baby is no longer in danger of developing the more congenital abnormalities.

Your baby’s head is still just about half the size of his or her body. This is because the brain is one of the first developments so the rest of the baby, including the head, are left to catch up. The ears are formed but low. However, they will move up the neck and settle on the sides of the head.

During this week, you may notice some more dramatic changes in your body. Your breasts are probably very full and tender and you may even notice that the skin color of the areolas becomes darker. You may even see blue colored veins under the skin. This is because of the increased blood supply throughout your body.

It is very important that you take the time now and get a good, well fitting bra that offer full support. You want to wear a good support bra throughout your pregnancy. A maternity bra is often the bra of choice for expecting moms because they have nice, broad straps that do not cut into the shoulder.  They are also wide in the back so that they ease muscle strain. They also are designed so that they don’t press into the breast tissue which also makes them ideal for nursing mothers as well. A bra that is too tight or constricts the breast tissue can result in clogged milk ducts - and you can have clogged milk ducts before you even go into labor.

You may be showing at this time. You may be sporting a little “baby bump” and your clothing is probably too tight. If this is not your first child, you are more likely to “show” at this time. A first time mom takes more time to “show”.


10 Weeks Pregnant

Week 10 of pregnancy is like the one quarter mark. At this point you have three quarters to go! It is very important to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water and continue to do so throughout your pregnancy. One thing that you may notice at this time is that you are more emotional, maybe more irritable or teary. This does get better, but make sure that you get enough rest and maintain a healthy diet. You will feel much more tired than usual so take it easy and get rest when you need it.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby’s brain is growing very quickly, producing 250,000 neurons a minute. At this time, your baby is 1.25 to 1.68 inches long and weighs about 0.18 ounces. This is about the weight of a quarter. Much of your baby’s development is occurring during this time and your little “peanut” is starting to look more like a baby. The eyelids are not transparent any longer and the outer ears are nearly finished forming. The tooth buds are beginning to form. In male babies, the testes begin producing the hormone testosterone.

Your baby’s fingers and toes are completely separated and the embryonic tail has completely disappeared. The skeleton is developing as the bones form and the eyes are no longer on the sides of the head, but now closer to the front of the face. This is also the time when your baby’s palate and roof of the mouth form as do the taste buds and neck muscles. The stomach moves into position and the clitoris develops in females while the ovaries begin their descent. The lungs are developing and the diaphragm starts to form a separation between the lungs and heart from the stomach.

Whew! It’s no wonder you are exhausted at this time! Your body is facilitating some tremendous growth in your baby. Your blood volume in increasing during your pregnancy. In fact, it will increase by 40 to 50 percent throughout your pregnancy and this could mean that you have some veins that are more noticeable in certain areas. This includes your legs, breasts and tummy. You may also notice that your complexion becomes blotchy with red, ruddy or dark patches on your skin and face. You may find that you are moodier than normal, maybe more irritable or teary than usual. You are likely noticing some weight gain and even some softening of your gums.

Since weight is often a big issue with women, particularly when they are pregnant. The typical (and acceptable) weight gain during pregnancy is 30 to 40 pounds. For a woman who is a normal weight prior to getting pregnant, she should look to gain 25 to 30 pounds and if she is overweight, then 15 to 25 pounds is acceptable.

A breakdown, in very general terms, of the weight gain is as follows:
  •     7.5 pounds - baby
  •     2.0 pounds - uterus
  •     1.5 pounds - placenta
  •     2.0 pounds - breasts
  •     8.0 pounds - fluid and blood
  •     7.0 pounds - fat

Now, of course some babies are larger than others and some are smaller, but this will give you an idea of where the weight goes during your pregnancy.


9 Weeks Pregnant

Week 9 of pregnancy is known for the “era of the mood swings”. You may begin to notice symptoms such as irritability, weepiness and mood swings. Indigestion may appear at this time and antacids will become your friend. At this time your baby is about 1 inch long and weighs about as much as a paper clip (one eighth of an ounce). There are some major changes taking place in your baby’s body as the development during this time is fast and dramatic.

At this stage of your pregnancy, your baby is undergoing a great deal of developmental changes. The nipples and hair follicles are beginning to form and the abdomen and chest cavities separate. The facial features are becoming more pronounced as the eye muscles and upper lip develop. Ultrasound can detect fetal movement but you won’t likely be able to feel the first flutterings for a few more weeks. The nerve cells form in the retinas of the eyes and nerve connections are made to the brain from the retina. The ear canals form as do the nasal passages. The neck elongates and becomes more distinct as it connects the body to the head.

All the fingers and toes are visible at this time and the rectal and urinary passages separate completely. The intestines move out of the umbilical cord and begin moving into the abdomen. The changes are very dramatic at this time of the pregnancy and these first few weeks are the time frame that allows the baby to develop in a manner that will form the foundation of his or her growth. You will likely feel more tired, even exhausted during this time because of all the things that are going on in your body. Just rest when your body tells you that it needs it. In a few weeks the exhaustion will pass as the development shifts from baby formation to baby growth.

You are going through some dramatic changes as well. Your hormones are shifting about and your body is preparing to nurture your baby, go through labor and delivery and breastfeed your baby after the birth. Those are a lot of changes! Your breasts feel fuller and more sensitive and you may have some PMS symptoms. You probably notice that your waistline is expanding and even a slight weight gain. You may feel bloated, have mood swings and feel teary or irritable. While nausea and morning sickness are already a regular part of your day, heartburn and indigestion may surface at this time and you may also notice that you have food aversions and food cravings. Some women crave “normal” food like brownies or Chinese food, while some women crave things like dirt or starch. If you have any abnormal cravings, you should talk to your doctor.

The first trimester of pregnancy is usually not the most comfortable. It is usually considered by women to be the least enjoyable with the third trimester running in second. Your body is working very hard during this time and on top of that, your hormones are adjusting. Hang in there because the second trimester is usually a wonderful time where you feel great and you get that beautiful “pregnancy glow”.


8 Weeks Pregnant

At 8 weeks, you probably either know for sure that you are pregnant or have a pretty good idea. Many women will have their first prenatal visit at this time. You doctor will give you a thorough check up and confirm your pregnancy. He or she will get a lot of information from you as well as order several tests to make sure that there are no problems. He will check your blood pressure, give you a urine test and he will also order a blood test. Sometimes, during your exam, you doctor can lift your uterus and use the Doppler to listen to your baby’s heartbeat.

You will be asked to give your doctor a complete medical history that includes any chronic illnesses, hospitalizations and surgeries. He or she will also need to know about any medications that you are taking as well as any allergies that you may have. Your doctor can also give you a due date at this check up. He or she may also order an ultrasound just to make sure that everything is OK.

During week 8 of pregnancy, your baby should be around .56 to 0.8 inches long and weigh about 0.1 ounces. This is measured from the crown of the head to the rump. Your baby already has a beating heart, a spinal cord and a good portion of the brain has been developed even though he or she is about the size of a peanut or pumpkin seed. The neurological system is developing, but your baby definitely has a brain at this stage of the pregnancy.

This is about the time that you may begin to notice that your clothing is getting tight. You may not necessarily be showing yet, particularly if this is your first pregnancy, nonetheless, your clothing may be a little snug.

You may experience some more pronounced symptoms now. These would include acne, tender and swollen breasts, nausea and extreme fatigue. You may also find that certain foods or smells turn your stomach. Food aversion is common in the first weeks of pregnancy and some women experience it throughout their entire pregnancy. You may also notice that your tummy begins to pooch a little. Sometimes, women experience swelling in their hands and feet as well.

One of the biggest signs that you may notice is an increase in hormonal activity. You may feel like your hormones have been turned upside down. This can cause acne, moodiness and even crying spells. Other common symptoms include headaches and dizziness.

A home pregnancy test can confirm that you are pregnant and if you have not made a doctor’s appointment, you should do so as soon as possible. It is important that your pregnancy is monitored by a health care professional to make sure that everything goes smoothly and no complications arise.

This is sort of a limbo time for most moms because they are not yet ready for maternity clothing, but their regular clothing may be getting too tight. If you find yourself in this position, you may enjoy picking up a few pairs of pants or skirts with an elastic waistband a size or two larger than what you normally wear. These outfits can give you a little growing room while keeping your comfortable. It is not good (and certainly not comfortable) to continue squeezing into tight clothing. Just go with it, get some larger clothes and enjoy this time - relax, you are going to get a lot larger before it is all said and done.

There is also a lot going with your baby during this time as well. The leg buds are diving into the thigh, leg and foot while the arm buds are becoming the hand, arm, elbow and shoulder. The arms and legs also begin to move during this time. The cartilage, bones and eyelids also begin to form. Facial features such as the ears, upper lip and the tip of the nose become recognizable and the tongue begins to develop and teeth are developing under the gums. This period is also the time when gonads, the testes or ovaries are develop.

You should start taking a prenatal vitamin. A healthy diet is very important. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help your baby grow strong and healthy. However, if you are experiencing morning sickness, you may not have much of an appetite. Also, you should talk to your doctor about lifestyle choices that you make including drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs. It is important that you are completely honest with your doctor and tell them everything. This is for your baby’s sake and is important to your baby’s safety - and yours.


7 Weeks Pregnant

During week 7 of pregnancy, you should have confirmed that you are pregnant at this point and are looking forward to your first prenatal doctor visit. At this point in your pregnancy, your baby is a teeny tiny 0.2 to 0.52 inches long. It is about the size of a marble and weighs just about 0.03 ounces. To put this size and weight into perspective, think about the top of a pencil eraser in regards to size and an aspirin tablet in regards to the weight.

Some of the symptoms that you may be experiencing during this time include constipation, morning sickness/nausea, excess saliva and an increased vaginal discharge. You will notice that your waistline is expanding and your clothing is probably getting too tight even if your pregnancy is not yet showing.

It is at this point of your pregnancy that you will develop your mucus plug. This plug forms in the cervix, at the opening of the cervical canal. It seals the uterus to protect it and keep it as good environment for your baby to grow. As your cervix dilates when your body is preparing for labor, you will lose this plug which is often one of the first indications of the onset of labor.

Though your baby is very tiny at this point, a lot is going on as far as development is concerned. The heart becomes fully formed during this time and the limb buds emerge. The arms have a paddle like appearance. The eyes appear as dark spots and the tongue begins to form. The eyelid folds are also forming during this time. Your baby’s body becomes more elongated and it straightens. Organs such as permanent kidneys, spleen and liver ducts and the stomach are beginning to form. The cerebral cortex becomes visible. This is the part of the brain that controls motor activity and intellect. Also in the brain, the pituitary gland is forming in the middle of the brain. The intestines are becoming more elongated and the esophagus is beginning to form. At this time the umbilical cord is visible. The umbilical cord links the baby and the placenta which is connected to the mother.

At this point in your pregnancy, your body may provide you with a few clues regarding how many fetuses you may be carrying. There are no hard, fast rules that act as a neon sign to tell you that you are carrying twins, triplets - or more, but there are a few things you may experience that may clue you in. A faster weight gain that includes an increased size of your abdomen (you may experience increased itching in this area as well), a heavy feeling in your pelvis or vagina (it may feel heavy, congested or even like pressure), greater tendency to retain water or increased swelling, varicose veins and increased fatigue. At this time, a woman who is carrying multiple fetuses will often have extra high hCG levels. This is measured in the pregnancy blood test that your doctor orders at your first prenatal visit.


6 Weeks Pregnant

The 6th week of pregnancy is an exciting, somewhat difficult time for most women: Morning sickness sets in, along with lethargy and constant trips to the toilet. For the lucky women who don’t have any side effects of pregnancy, it is a time for mentally end emotionally preparing themselves for the fact that they are having a baby in eight months.

For those women who are trying to fall pregnant, the best plan is to maintain a strict and healthy lifestyle prior to positive test results. This will not only set the body up for falling pregnant, but will also ensure when they do fall, the first month is a healthy and stable one. If knowledge of the pregnancy doesn’t come until much later, it’s best not to feel stressed about lifestyle choices up to that point: As soon as a woman becomes aware that she is pregnant, she should take every precaution to be as healthy as possible.

Since week six is still very early on in the pregnancy, the best things a women can do to prepare is to set her self up for the time ahead. There is a variety of excellent books available that can provide sound advice on surviving pregnancy and she can also plan for her birth with booking birthing classes or perhaps hypno-birthing lessons. Another great idea is to stock the cupboard with a variety of natural products to combat morning sickness, because even if they don’t have it, it can strike at any time and no one feels like driving to the store when they are so ill and nauseous.

An ultra sound is often performed in week 6 of pregnancy and the doctor or midwife will take measurements in crown-rump-length increments. At this stage, the fetus can range from two to five centimeters in length. Spots can be seen where they eyes and ears will form and the beginning of arms and legs can grow as well. The fetus is still unable to move independently and is unresponsive to any external stimulation or noise.

It is not uncommon for women to begin to notice a thickening around their waste area, although a pregnant looking belly is yet to show. Weight gain can begin in the 6th week of pregnancy and continues at a steady rate of around five pounds per week. The breasts become tender and the nipples can be very sensitive.

It is time for a woman to start seriously thinking about maternity clothes when they notice their weight changing: They aren’t going to be getting any smaller for some time to come, so planning a sensible and useful wardrobe for the time ahead is important. A lot of women now days choose to do their maternity shopping online since they can feel self conscious about their new size and there are a lot more options available over the web.

Of course, not all women put on weight as early as week 6 of pregnancy. If they are experiencing serious morning sickness, they may find they don’t really have an appetite until the sickness subsides. Either way, it is very important for a pregnant woman to drink more than their adequate daily water intake because they really are drinking for two. The best idea is to buy a few reputable books on health during pregnancy to create a plan that both mother and baby will benefit from.


5 Weeks Pregnant

A lot of women know by week five of pregnancy that they have conceived: A period that was due has come and gone and they may even be experiencing some signs and symptoms that they are pregnant. Even though the embryo is still only the size of a short grain of rice, organs have begun to form as well as the placenta and amniotic sac.

The vital body parts that are forming in the 5th week of pregnancy include the heart, central nervous system, bones and even muscles. The heart starts to form into two individual chambers and will also start to actually pump blood! And all inside an embryo that is only around a millimeter in size!

During week 5 of pregnancy, the placenta and umbilical chord are developing, however it is known as the primitive placenta in the early stages. Not even an expert could tell that a woman is in her 5th week of pregnancy by looking at her. While she won’t look pregnant, at five weeks many women do feel bloated and often mistaken this for the coming of a late and heavy period.

Each woman is completely unique in the way her body responds to pregnancy and the rate and size at which the baby forms. It is common for a woman to begin experiencing the signs of being pregnant at five or six weeks, but many breeze through without noticing at all. Some women feel nauseous, have tender and swollen breasts and notice a need to urinate a lot more than they usually do. Fatigue can make surviving a normal daily schedule very difficult and since caffeine should be avoided, exercise will be their best friend.

In week five, a woman will want to be educating herself all about her body, the fetus and the months to come. There are many reputable and informative books and guides available to help pregnant women as well as excellent supplements and remedies that are highly recommended. Ensuring levels of B6 and foliate are sufficient is high on every pregnant ladies list of priorities, as well as being well stocked up on natural remedies for morning sickness, sleeping and energy.

If morning sickness is very severe, dehydration can occur, which is very dangerous to the fetus. Every woman should ensure they drink around two and a half liters or water each day of their pregnancy and exercise should be light, steady and regular.

Other items that can make the journey through pregnancy more comfortable include full body pillows, meditation CDs, lavender scented eye pillows and a comfortable foot stool. Many women now days are even buying fresh juicers as soon as they realize they are pregnant so they can include a fresh fruit and vegetable juice in their daily diet. Maternity wear will need to be considered as well as where to have the baby and who will be the baby’s doctor. Week 5 of pregnancy is only the very early stages, so the best advice is to relax and enjoy the changes taking place inside the body in such an amazing and natural way.


4 Weeks Pregnant

For many women, the 4th week of pregnancy is an amazing time, especially if it is going to be their first child. It’s the time when they may have been feeling some side effects and have noticed their period didn’t arrive like clockwork as it usually does. A few days prior to the normal menstruation date, a quality home pregnancy test can detect the change and when a woman does that first positive test, it’s a moment she will remember forever.

Women who are going to have more severe morning sickness than others can commonly begin to feel queasy at the four week mark. Many women report starting to feel off color at this stage and then continuing to be nauseous up until the last trimester or even the birth of their child. Most women still see no side effects in this way in week 4 of pregnancy.

In week four, there is a wider range of growth differences in embryos from one woman to the next than week two or three. Some embryos will be 0.014 of an inch up to others that can be 0.4 of an inch and the size at this stage bears no relation the overall size of the baby when it’s born. In the 4th week of pregnancy, the embryo will be working hard to securely implant itself into the lining of the uterus to ensure its safe and firm for the term of the pregnancy. Often a miscarriage will occur in earlier stages of pregnancy because the embryo has failed to root itself securely in the fourth week.

At this stage, the embryo has a little more shape and looks similar to a tadpole with little eyeballs: It still bears no resemblance to an actual baby by the 4th week of pregnancy. The placenta will start to grow in this week and the amniotic cavity is forming, which is a space for the fluid and the amniotic sac to continue to grow.

Although the embryo is very minuscule, the organs also begin forming in the fourth week. The best way it can be understood is to imagine the cells multiplying and being assigned to be a part of different sections of the future body: When the cell originally multiplies it is a generic cell or “stem cell” which can become any kind of cell it’s directed to be.

Because their body is working so hard over the first four weeks of fertilization, many women report feeling lethargic and drained. Week four of pregnancy is when the body produces enough progesterone to supply the fetus for another two months and every woman’s body reacts differently to the hormonal change.

During week 4 of pregnancy, all women should look seriously at avoiding all alcohol and tobacco, as well as analyzing their environments to ensure they aren’t surrounded by harmful pollutants or toxins that could damage the fetus. Stocking up on research material and looking into maternity clothes is also a good step to take at this time and have items on hand to combat morning sickness if it should arrive in the future. Bearing in mind some pregnancies can miscarry most commonly up until week twelve, it is still a time to get excited and begin to accept that she is actually going to have a baby in eight months!


3 Weeks Pregnant

To be 3 weeks pregnant means conception has begun and it has been three weeks since the last day of the last menstruation. The baby has begun to grow, however it can not be seen with the human eye alone. During week 3 of pregnancy, the baby is approximately the size of a needle head and is basically a cluster of cells. Although there have been no missed periods, a pregnancy test can detect that fertilization has occurred a few days after the third week ends.

The size of the embryo at this stage is approximately 0.006 of an inch and even if the image was magnified, it bears no resemblance to the shape of a baby. Up until week 3 of pregnancy, the baby is a combination of the mother’s and father’s chromosomes, which are cells that continue to multiply throughout the term of the pregnancy. In week three, protective fluid begins to build around the embryo which is called amniotic fluid and although the sac is yet to form, the fluid is there for it to grow around later.

When a woman is 3 weeks pregnant, the placenta won’t begin to form for at least another week: The embryo grows small tube like links to the wall of the uterus, where it sources all nutrition until the placenta is ready.

The majority of women won’t notice any side effects of being pregnant until they are at least five or six weeks along. However, a small number of women can begin experiencing morning sickness at 3 weeks pregnant and others may have cramps on one side of their abdomen or can even notice an extra clear, mucous-like discharge. Commonly, women fly through the third week without knowing they are pregnant until they have missed their first period, while others claim they “just intuitively knew”.

For those women who are aware that they have conceived, week 3 of pregnancy is a time to start planning for the future: It is a time for their whole lifestyle to be analyzed and reviewed for areas that may require change or improvement. The aim is to lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible for the entire term of the pregnancy, so things such as alcohol and smoking should be stopped immediately. Daily water intake needs to be sufficient and diet should be full of fresh, natural and healthy food. Exercise is also extremely important and ensuring fitness levels are maintained when they are 3 weeks pregnant is going to set a strong foundation for good health throughout the whole nine months.

The most important thing at any stage of pregnancy is to remain calm and free of anxiety or worry. The more relaxed and stress-free the mother is, the calmer and more secure the baby’s environment will be inside of her. Every woman should remember that for their bodies, pregnancy is the most natural thing it can do, so let it happen without feeling anxious about everything being okay. It is still important at 3 weeks pregnant to maximize their time alone, because before they know it they will have another little person with them pretty much everywhere they go!


22 Weeks Pregnant

During week 22 of your pregnancy. Your volume of blood should have increased by now to keep you and your baby healthy. This is normal. This is also a time when you might find yourself practically gaining weight overnight. This is also normal. Your body is now ready to gain weight on a regular basis to keep up with the needs of your baby. You might also feel a strain in your body because of the regular weight gain. You will probably most likely feel a lot of the strain in your lower back.

Try to stop wearing shoes with heels on them. This will only increase the lower back pain from the strain of weight gain. When you are sitting or lying down you should have a stool or a pillow to prop your feet up. This can help reduce the likeliness of getting swollen and sore feet and ankles. It can also help reduce the pain in your lower back.

If you have any problems, such as becoming short of breath, pale skin, a pounding heart and becoming extremely tired you need to go see your medical professional right away. You could be experiencing anemia. This can be treated and will have you feeling much better very soon.

You will need a stool and a large pillow so you can prop your feet up when you are sitting or lying down. You should also get some extra comfortable and supportive shoes so you can help to reduce the amount of lower back pain you will have from the strain of weight gain during this week 22 and beyond. This is a good time to also go clothes shopping for some new maternity clothing. At week 22 of pregnancy you will notice that you have gained weight and seem to be continuing to gain weight. This is because you are. Your body needs to add on this weight to help your baby grow. Try to buy maternity clothing that is one or more sizes larger than you are now. Find comfortable, stretchy clothing that you know will last for at least four weeks.

You may also experience leg cramps, which can be quite painful. Eat more bananas, oranges, cheese, yogurt and drink more milk to help your body keep up with its needs of calcium and potassium.

21 Weeks Pregnant

At week 21 of pregnancy, you are finally halfway through the pregnancy. More than likely you are getting over some of the worst parts of pregnancy like morning sickness, and smells are probably not affecting you as much anymore either. While your babies growth is slowing down a bit, more than likely yours is not, and you are probably picking up a few more pounds.

One big thing you may be noticing is that you are constipated more than ever before. The reason this happens is because the body is releasing more progesterone than normal. This tends to make the body more relaxed, and it relaxes the muscles of the bowel as well. Since these muscles are relaxed, it takes more time to move waste through, which is resulting in your constipation. You may want to try eating more fiber, which can help.

Another thing you need to watch out for during week 21 of pregnancy and through the rest of your pregnancy is a urinary tract infection. The muscles in the urinary tract are relaxing as well, which means the risk of an infection is greater during this time. If you begin having pain when you urinate or it is difficult to urinate, be sure to see your doctor.

During week 21 of pregnancy, more than likely your doctor is going to let you begin to do some low impact exercise. This will help to keep you from gaining too much weight and it will also help keep varicose veins and bad backaches away as well. Exercises that are great for pregnant women include swimming, walking, and yoga; however, be sure to discuss any exercise you plan on doing with your doctor.

While you have probably been dealing with some swelling in your feet for some time, you may notice it even more during week 21 of pregnancy and beyond. You will probably want to take some time to rest and you should prop your feet up for awhile each day. If the swelling becomes severe, your doctor should be contacted.

Leg cramps may also show up at week 21 of pregnancy as well. They can be quite painful, but there are a few things that you can do to help. One thing you can do is to purchase a pregnancy pillow. You can use this pillow to prop your legs up at night while you are sleeping. Purchasing and wearing pregnancy stockings or a support belt may also help to alleviate the leg cramps as well. If you wear the pregnancy support stockings regularly, they may also help to prevent the varicose veins that some women develop during pregnancy as well.

2 Weeks Pregnant

During the second week of pregnancy you may not even know for sure if you are pregnant yet. Your body has yet to begin the dramatic transformations and changes that occur later in the second and third trimesters.

The most common early sign that many women experience is mild cramping or pain in one or both sides of the abdomen. This is similar to the feeling that you may experience during ovulation. In actuality, most women do not really see any signs or pregnancy until 10 - 14 days after ovulation. This is because once the egg is fertilized it has to travel through the fallopian tube into the uterus where the uterus recognizes the fertilized egg as a living thing. Once the fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus a lot of biological reactions begin to take place.

There are a few signs that may indicate that you are pregnant can include increased fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, a missed period, breast tenderness, sleep disturbances, metallic taste in mouth and increased body temperature. These are some of the most common first signs of pregnancy. You may experience some, you may experience all or you may not experience any of them.

Pregnancy is different for everyone. Some women feel dizzy and may even faint. Some women experience nosebleeds for no apparent reason. You may begin to experience mild hair loss. Some women report mood swings, likening the roller coaster emotions to having PMS. If you once had a rather thick skin, you may now find that you burst into tears for no apparent reason.

The nausea, the infamous “morning sickness” is often the pregnancy symptom that many women dread the most. It tends to stop at the beginning of the second trimester, but those who have it know that it is no fun. Your doctor may give you vitamin K to curb the nausea and it often works. Also, there are a few simple tricks that you can try. If your nausea is mostly in the morning, keep some saltine crackers and a drink like Sprite or 7-Up next to your bed. Nibble on the crackers and sip on the drink before you even get out of bed in the morning. Soda crackers are also good and some women swear by pretzels.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the symptoms of pregnancy are often more pronounced in the case of a multiple pregnancy. For instance, a mother of twins may experience morning sickness and other symptoms more dramatically than a mom having just one baby. A mother of triplets will often experience stronger symptoms that the mom of twins and so forth. Also, sometimes morning sickness extends beyond the first trimester, occasionally continuing right up to delivery. The more babies the mother is carrying, it often seems the longer she will experience morning sickness.

During week 2 of pregnancy, the mother usually does not even know that she is pregnant. She may experience the symptoms, but pass them off as being “under the weather,” having the flu or just a bad case of PMS. Most home pregnancy tests will not even be able to detect a pregnancy this early in the game. However, if you think that you may be pregnant, you should begin taking the necessary precautions with your diet and activities. Refrain from smoking, drugs and alcohol, just to be on the safe side. After all, it isn’t all about you any longer. Now you have another little life entirely dependent upon you.


1 Week Pregnant

If you are thinking of becoming pregnant or suspect that you are, there are several things to take into consideration. First of all, you need to avoid anything that may have adverse effects on your body as anything that effects you also effects your baby. Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and any drugs not prescribed by your doctor are things to avoid. Week 1 of the pregnancy is when everything is getting set up in your body to carry your child.

Exercise, as long as you don’t overdo, can be good for you. It not only keeps you active but keeps you from gaining too much weight which can cause a harder pregnancy. It has been noted that exercise can help during childbirth and make it an easier experience. This initial few days when you find out for sure that you are expecting can be a joyous time and the happiness you experience from this will show.

During this time don’t overextend yourself but you don’t have to stop doing everything you love to do. Consult your doctor if you are unsure of what you can and cannot do. Week 1 of the pregnancy is the best time to start making sure you are getting plenty of rest. Also start watching your diet and make sure you eat the right foods. Eat healthy by making sure you get the correct amounts of the basic food groups. Avoid the old theory that you are eating for two. You may be however if you start eating enough for two grown people you will start to look like two grown people.

If you are a worrier try to find something to take your mind off of things that worry you. Take up yoga or meditate to try and find a way to channel your energy to thinking of good things instead of sitting around worrying. Your moods, even at this early stage, can be picked up by your baby. If you are jittery and nervous and moody, these mood will be picked up by the baby. Calm makes for a happier and less stressful pregnancy and your baby will be happier and not as cranky as a child born into stress.

There are not a lot of physical changes in week 1 of the pregnancy. Your body is changing on the inside but the outside hasn’t started yet. You may not even know that you are pregnant yet as tests to determine this are usually not accurate until day 8 or later. However the previous steps in taking care of yourself are the way to make sure that if you are planning a pregnancy and miss your period the earlier you start taking care of yourself the better.

One thing you may notice is a tenderness in the breast area similar to the tenderness felt with the onset of your period. Not all women experience this however. There are no sure fire ways of knowing for sure you are pregnant this early. But you may have that feeling that you are and it doesn’t hurt to start taking care of yourself as though you were.