

36 Weeks Pregnant

During week 36 of pregnancy, you will notice that your baby has begun to drop lower. You will have to see your doctor weekly from this point forward and get a check up to see if you are effacing - The process by which the cervix begins to thin to prepare for the baby’s birth. Many women report that after the baby’s head has been lowered, they could breathe easier and their appetite increased. This is normal as the pressure from the baby has changed. Other women experience tingly sensations or numbing in their pelvic region.
You will also notice that the baby feels a lot heavier. This is the time when babies put on a lot of weight and they generally weigh around 6 pounds at this point. Be sure to continue eating well for this is the time your baby grows the most. You should also be prepared for delivery at any time during this period. Make sure your overnight bag is ready, get a nice hair cut to because you might not have time later.
If you don’t have a birthing plan by now, this is a good time to get one written. Be sure that your birthing plan includes all the little details of the type of birth you want, right down to the type of medication, people you want around you during childbirth and the location. If you notice any unusual conditions like flu, fever, headaches, hemorrhoids or pain in your abdomen, call your doctor to get it checked.
Do not over exert yourself by bending down to pick up stuff. Ask your partner to do it instead. You should also avoid moving around too much and if you must, be sure to ask someone to be around to take care of you. Get a couple of extra pillows and place one under your stomach and the other between your legs at the knees, these help take the pressure and weight off your baby and belly.

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