

25 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you are in week 25 of pregnancy, you will definitely be feeling some huge differences. Your baby now weighs a 1.5 pounds and your belly probably has the appearance of a soccer ball about now too. During this time your body is continuing to change like crazy, and it may even seem like your body is changing hour by hour, which can be a bit frustrating.

One thing that you may begin to experience in week 25 of pregnancy is hemorrhoids. These tend to occur during this time because the blood vessels in the area get dilated. Hemorrhoids can be quite uncomfortable and more than likely along with them you will be dealing with some constipation as well.

There are a variety of other physical changes you will notice during week 25 of pregnancy as well. More than likely you will beginning to experience some heartburn and indigestion. Dizziness will continue to be a part of your life, and you may also notice that you sweat more as well. Many women also find themselves getting quite forgetful during this time and some also experience very vivid dreams as well.

At week 25 of pregnancy, no doubt your baby is moving around all the time. You will probably be feeling movement in your tummy that is quite forceful. The baby will probably be kicking, punching, and twisting all around inside you, which can make for some pretty interesting nights.

During week 25 of pregnancy, you may also begin to notice that as your uterus is continuing to grow, it is now putting a bit of pressure on your back and spine. At times this can cause quite a bit of pain in your back and even shooting pain in your legs. When you start to feel this pain, you need to change your position. At times warm compresses or even ice packs on your back may make it feel better.

This is the time when some women go into pre-term labor. It is important that you are aware of the signs of pre-term labor. A few signs to watch for include cramping, pressure on the pelvis, contractions, and a low, dull backache. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to immediately contact your doctor.

There are a variety of different products that may make your life a bit easier. If you are dealing with hemorrhoids, there are a variety of creams that you can purchase that can help to alleviate your pain. Also, if you are having a hard time with the back pain, there are special back support belts that you can buy especially for pregnant women. While week 25 of pregnancy can bring about a bit of discomfort, with some rest and a few helpful products, it can be a joyful week as well.

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