

5 Weeks Pregnant

A lot of women know by week five of pregnancy that they have conceived: A period that was due has come and gone and they may even be experiencing some signs and symptoms that they are pregnant. Even though the embryo is still only the size of a short grain of rice, organs have begun to form as well as the placenta and amniotic sac.

The vital body parts that are forming in the 5th week of pregnancy include the heart, central nervous system, bones and even muscles. The heart starts to form into two individual chambers and will also start to actually pump blood! And all inside an embryo that is only around a millimeter in size!

During week 5 of pregnancy, the placenta and umbilical chord are developing, however it is known as the primitive placenta in the early stages. Not even an expert could tell that a woman is in her 5th week of pregnancy by looking at her. While she won’t look pregnant, at five weeks many women do feel bloated and often mistaken this for the coming of a late and heavy period.

Each woman is completely unique in the way her body responds to pregnancy and the rate and size at which the baby forms. It is common for a woman to begin experiencing the signs of being pregnant at five or six weeks, but many breeze through without noticing at all. Some women feel nauseous, have tender and swollen breasts and notice a need to urinate a lot more than they usually do. Fatigue can make surviving a normal daily schedule very difficult and since caffeine should be avoided, exercise will be their best friend.

In week five, a woman will want to be educating herself all about her body, the fetus and the months to come. There are many reputable and informative books and guides available to help pregnant women as well as excellent supplements and remedies that are highly recommended. Ensuring levels of B6 and foliate are sufficient is high on every pregnant ladies list of priorities, as well as being well stocked up on natural remedies for morning sickness, sleeping and energy.

If morning sickness is very severe, dehydration can occur, which is very dangerous to the fetus. Every woman should ensure they drink around two and a half liters or water each day of their pregnancy and exercise should be light, steady and regular.

Other items that can make the journey through pregnancy more comfortable include full body pillows, meditation CDs, lavender scented eye pillows and a comfortable foot stool. Many women now days are even buying fresh juicers as soon as they realize they are pregnant so they can include a fresh fruit and vegetable juice in their daily diet. Maternity wear will need to be considered as well as where to have the baby and who will be the baby’s doctor. Week 5 of pregnancy is only the very early stages, so the best advice is to relax and enjoy the changes taking place inside the body in such an amazing and natural way.

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