

6 Weeks Pregnant

The 6th week of pregnancy is an exciting, somewhat difficult time for most women: Morning sickness sets in, along with lethargy and constant trips to the toilet. For the lucky women who don’t have any side effects of pregnancy, it is a time for mentally end emotionally preparing themselves for the fact that they are having a baby in eight months.

For those women who are trying to fall pregnant, the best plan is to maintain a strict and healthy lifestyle prior to positive test results. This will not only set the body up for falling pregnant, but will also ensure when they do fall, the first month is a healthy and stable one. If knowledge of the pregnancy doesn’t come until much later, it’s best not to feel stressed about lifestyle choices up to that point: As soon as a woman becomes aware that she is pregnant, she should take every precaution to be as healthy as possible.

Since week six is still very early on in the pregnancy, the best things a women can do to prepare is to set her self up for the time ahead. There is a variety of excellent books available that can provide sound advice on surviving pregnancy and she can also plan for her birth with booking birthing classes or perhaps hypno-birthing lessons. Another great idea is to stock the cupboard with a variety of natural products to combat morning sickness, because even if they don’t have it, it can strike at any time and no one feels like driving to the store when they are so ill and nauseous.

An ultra sound is often performed in week 6 of pregnancy and the doctor or midwife will take measurements in crown-rump-length increments. At this stage, the fetus can range from two to five centimeters in length. Spots can be seen where they eyes and ears will form and the beginning of arms and legs can grow as well. The fetus is still unable to move independently and is unresponsive to any external stimulation or noise.

It is not uncommon for women to begin to notice a thickening around their waste area, although a pregnant looking belly is yet to show. Weight gain can begin in the 6th week of pregnancy and continues at a steady rate of around five pounds per week. The breasts become tender and the nipples can be very sensitive.

It is time for a woman to start seriously thinking about maternity clothes when they notice their weight changing: They aren’t going to be getting any smaller for some time to come, so planning a sensible and useful wardrobe for the time ahead is important. A lot of women now days choose to do their maternity shopping online since they can feel self conscious about their new size and there are a lot more options available over the web.

Of course, not all women put on weight as early as week 6 of pregnancy. If they are experiencing serious morning sickness, they may find they don’t really have an appetite until the sickness subsides. Either way, it is very important for a pregnant woman to drink more than their adequate daily water intake because they really are drinking for two. The best idea is to buy a few reputable books on health during pregnancy to create a plan that both mother and baby will benefit from.

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