By this time, no doubt you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your baby. But you still have 11 more weeks to wait. More than likely, week 30 of pregnancy finds you feeling quite uncomfortable and definitely ready for it all to be over. Your baby is growing steadily bigger at this point in time and gaining about half a pound each week, which means you are growing bigger as well. No doubt more and more stretch marks are beginning to appear on your tummy, and if you haven’t started using any stretch marks creams, you may want to start using it now. Not only will stretch marks appear on your tummy, but they may also show up on your hips, thighs, and your breasts as well.
While constipation can be a problem throughout pregnancy, it can become even worse when you are at week 30 of pregnancy. The hormones that are produced during pregnancy seem to hamper the digestive process, which leads to constipation. However, at this stage of your pregnancy your uterus is pressing on your intestines, which also causes constipation as well. Be sure that you are eating plenty of foods that are high in fiber to help deal with this problem, and in some cases, if it becomes too problematic, you may need to speak to your doctor about using a stool softener to help.
Another thing that many women begin to notice around week 30 of pregnancy is a dark line that runs vertically down the stomach. This line is actually called linea nigra, and it is a very common thing that happens about this stage of pregnancy, so there is no need to get worried. It will probably last for the rest of the pregnancy; however, once you have your baby it will disappear.
Sleeping can get a bit difficult during week 30 of pregnancy and beyond. Your stomach is now so much bigger than it used to be, so you need to take care in how you are sleeping. Usually, most doctors will recommend that you sleep on your left side. This is recommended since the vena cava and aorta on to the right of the center of your back. When you sleep on your left side you make sure that they are opened up so that they can function properly and supply the entire body with the blood that is needed while you are sleeping. This will enable blood to flow properly to the organs and the extremities as well. If comfort is an issue while you are sleeping, you may want to invest in a nice body pillow or a maternity pillow to help you sleep more comfortably.