In week 14 of pregnancy, your baby is about 4 inches long from crown to rump, and weighs about an ounce or a little over. Your baby is growing hair on his or her head and in the eyebrow area, and has very soft little fingernails and toenails. Your baby is beginning to uncurl from the fetal position, and can move much more freely now. Your baby may even be sucking his or her thumb. In week 14 of pregnancy, your doctor should be able to tell if your baby is a boy or girl. This is a very exciting time in your pregnancy, and you will notice some changes in yourself as well.
You will notice that your belly is becoming bigger and bigger. Don’t frown… Pregnant bellies are adorable! You will probably need to get some maternity clothes. You may have been wearing baggy clothes for the past couple of weeks, but with maternity clothing, you can dress really nicely and still be comfortable. There are all kinds of cute maternity outfits available.
You may also notice a darkening line that runs from your navel to your pelvic area. This is normal, and it’s called linea negra. You will probably notice that your areolas are much darker now and your breasts may be sore and tender. This is perfectly normal, and a good supporting bra should relieve these symptoms. In week 14 of pregnancy, constipation is a common thing. Your hormones have slowed the function of your bowel muscles, and this can sometimes lead to constipation.
At this point in your pregnancy, your baby is actually getting some of the food that you eat. It’s important to eat nutritious and healthy food. It is not only good for your baby, but it will provide you with essential nutrients and vitamins that you need to keep your energy up and stay healthy. Try whole foods, like fruits, veggies and whole grains. These are great foods for pregnant women as well as everyone else. The great fiber in whole grains should help with your constipation as well. Drink plenty of water; you should be getting at least 8 glasses a day.
If you haven’t started already, you should begin rubbing on an anti stretch mark cream or lotion onto your belly and breasts. This will reduce the chance of stretch marks occurring and keep your belly from itching so much as it stretches. It’s a good idea to apply it even if you don’t see any stretch marks yet as it can help to prevent them altogether.
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