

28 Weeks Pregnant

Your baby looks very much like he would when he’s born, as he’s opening his eyes and growing some eyelashes. His previously smooth brain is also starting to develop into the more textured and complex brain we’re all born with.

Expect to gain weight a lot of weight from week 28 of pregnancy. Even if you have successfully maintained your slim appearance throughout your pregnancy, your body will add on the pounds to encourage weight gain in your baby as well. He’s still quite skinny at this point, having only as much as 3 percent body fat. So go put on some pounds!

Without the weight gain, you’ll probably feel huge anyway, what with your uterus moving up above your navel by a good three inches. Also, this is usually when your ankles and feet will be a bit more swollen than usual. Your breasts are also starting to get ready for lactation and will undergo changes. Some expecting mothers will experience heartburn, leg cramps, constipation and fatigue.

Swimming is considered the best exercise for pregnant women, although by the 28th week, just wading around inside the pool will already constitute as exercise. This helps to relieve your swelling joints, so go for a regular dip. You can also take warm baths, which will be good for Braxton Hicks contractions as well. Just don’t overdo it: running too hot a bath or staying in for longer than 30 minutes.

Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, happens at varying degrees throughout your pregnancy, are quite painful, more regular and last longer. At 28 weeks, you may be inclined to start expecting contractions, so it’s good to know the difference between them. Braxton Hicks contractions are more uncomfortable than painful, and recede soon enough. To make them go away, do an activity opposite from when the contractions began, such as walking around if you were sitting down.

By now, you should know if your blood tests taken early in your pregnancy will show if you or your baby has the Rh factor in your blood cells, which may cause a condition known as hemolytic disease, which hinders the immune system of your baby. If you turn up Rh negative, you should receive a vaccine called RhoD Immune Globulin or RhoGAM on your 28th week of pregnancy, and again when you give birth. By the 28th week, you will see your doctor more frequently, as she will schedule your appointments every two weeks instead of monthly.

Baby showers are usually thrown in your honor at this time, so you could put off buying baby supplies and other necessities until after then. Bear in mind, though, that you can never have enough diapers and other useful items such as wipes and sterilized bottles, especially when you’re sleeping only when your baby sleeps and will be too tired to keep going to the grocery for new supplies.

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