

16 Weeks Pregnant

Having a baby can be both exciting and fun; however, it can have its moments when you are dealing with morning sickness or just feeling fat. Thankfully, by the time you are getting to your 16th week of pregnancy, most women will find that morning sickness is well behind them, although the cravings may still be haunting them, especially in the night hours.

During week 16 of pregnancy, you can expect quite a few changes, both for you, and for your baby as well. At this point in time, your baby will be a bit longer than four inches, and will probably weigh in at around 3 ounces or so. This is the week where your baby will begin to start growing hair, and when the ears and the eyes will be moving into their permanent position.

Not only is the baby changing, but you are going to be seeing some changes in your own body too during the 16th week of pregnancy. Of course your waistline will have been long gone, but your stomach is going to continue to get rounder during this week. However, at this point in time, many women are loving they way they look while they are pregnant. While the first couple of months may have had you despairing about your increasing waistline, more than likely you will be enjoying it now.

One of the biggest things that you will probably begin to notice around the 16th week of pregnancy is that you can actually feel your baby moving around. Although some women may feel this movement earlier or a bit later, usually it is around this time that the first movements are able to be felt by you. When you start feeling that fluttering in your stomach that seems a bit like gas, chances are that you are feeling your baby move for the very first time.

A few other things that you will probably experience around your 16th week of pregnancy include swollen feet, a bit of abdominal pain, gums that bleed, and even a stuffy nose. These are all normal things that occur, so there is no need to worry. More than likely the swollen feet are around to stay; however, the rest of problems should only be short term issues.

Since your stomach is probably starting to look like a map of the moon, a great product to invest in around this time of pregnancy is some stretch mark cream. There are special stretch mark creams especially developed for pregnant women, or other products, like cocoa butter may be a help as well. They help to provide moisture and elasticity to your skin that will keep stretch marks to a minimum.

Investing in some larger shoes that are comfortable or sandals may be a good idea as well. This way you do not have to stuff your swollen feet into tight shoes, and you will be able to enjoy walking with a bit of comfort.

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