You are halfway to bringing your beautiful baby in to this world. By the time you get to week 20 of your pregnancy, your baby is moving around quite a bit and your little bundle of joy is now getting some hair on his or her head as well as some eyebrows. You still may see some changes going on with your skin but rest assured this is all normal and right on schedule. You may also see that you now have somewhat of a vaginal discharge, which is also normal. When you finish this week out you will officially be halfway through the entire experience.
Your baby is still growing by leaps and bounds and at this point in time he or she weights around 9 pounds and is approximately 5½ to 6½ inches in length. It is truly amazing, all the things your little one can do and he or she doesn’t even weight a full pound yet. Your precious cargo can hear sounds and if the noise is too loud that he or she hears, then it will cover its ears with its hands. You little one is also stretching out and moving around, stretching and kicking, twisting and turning. To you, those movements may feel like butterflies or a hungry stomach.
Your baby now has a protective coating on his or her skin that protects it from the amniotic fluid. The eyebrows are still coming in and if you are having a girl then the uterus is actually starting to form. Your baby’s skin is also starting to thicken, getting all the necessary layers that it needs and the finger and toenails are starting to form.
You will notice some changes that will be a bit different then the previous weeks of your pregnancy. For instance you may have a dark line forming that goes from your belly button down to your pubic area. You may also notice that you are perspiring more than you are used to and this is caused from your thyroid gland being more active. As the baby grows there will be more pressure on your bladder so you will need to urinate more frequently then usual.
Be sure to keep your posture upright to avoid back aches and make sure you use a foot stool when sitting as this will help to keep swelling down in your ankles. Be sure to sleep with a pillow between your legs at your waist as this till help to alleviate pressure.
This is also a good time to sign up or look into child birthing classes to help you when the time comes to bring the baby into the world. This can also be an exciting time as it may be possible to find out the baby’s sex during an ultrasound.
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