During the second week of pregnancy you may not even know for sure if you are pregnant yet. Your body has yet to begin the dramatic transformations and changes that occur later in the second and third trimesters.
The most common early sign that many women experience is mild cramping or pain in one or both sides of the abdomen. This is similar to the feeling that you may experience during ovulation. In actuality, most women do not really see any signs or pregnancy until 10 - 14 days after ovulation. This is because once the egg is fertilized it has to travel through the fallopian tube into the uterus where the uterus recognizes the fertilized egg as a living thing. Once the fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus a lot of biological reactions begin to take place.
There are a few signs that may indicate that you are pregnant can include increased fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, a missed period, breast tenderness, sleep disturbances, metallic taste in mouth and increased body temperature. These are some of the most common first signs of pregnancy. You may experience some, you may experience all or you may not experience any of them.
Pregnancy is different for everyone. Some women feel dizzy and may even faint. Some women experience nosebleeds for no apparent reason. You may begin to experience mild hair loss. Some women report mood swings, likening the roller coaster emotions to having PMS. If you once had a rather thick skin, you may now find that you burst into tears for no apparent reason.
The nausea, the infamous “morning sickness” is often the pregnancy symptom that many women dread the most. It tends to stop at the beginning of the second trimester, but those who have it know that it is no fun. Your doctor may give you vitamin K to curb the nausea and it often works. Also, there are a few simple tricks that you can try. If your nausea is mostly in the morning, keep some saltine crackers and a drink like Sprite or 7-Up next to your bed. Nibble on the crackers and sip on the drink before you even get out of bed in the morning. Soda crackers are also good and some women swear by pretzels.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the symptoms of pregnancy are often more pronounced in the case of a multiple pregnancy. For instance, a mother of twins may experience morning sickness and other symptoms more dramatically than a mom having just one baby. A mother of triplets will often experience stronger symptoms that the mom of twins and so forth. Also, sometimes morning sickness extends beyond the first trimester, occasionally continuing right up to delivery. The more babies the mother is carrying, it often seems the longer she will experience morning sickness.
During week 2 of pregnancy, the mother usually does not even know that she is pregnant. She may experience the symptoms, but pass them off as being “under the weather,” having the flu or just a bad case of PMS. Most home pregnancy tests will not even be able to detect a pregnancy this early in the game. However, if you think that you may be pregnant, you should begin taking the necessary precautions with your diet and activities. Refrain from smoking, drugs and alcohol, just to be on the safe side. After all, it isn’t all about you any longer. Now you have another little life entirely dependent upon you.
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